Facebook and I
Alas, my Facebook account is gone. Yes, I have been kicked off the site for unknown crimes and misdemeanors of whatever the powers that be had decided I had done. It should have come as no surprise, as they have been after me for a long time. I know this because my account has been suspended on several occasions, and each time I was asked to submit a photo. And each time, after a day or two, the account would be reopened. Did they not like my picture? It’s the only face I have. Clearly, I had violated some unknown policy.
The policy? Well, for one, users must represent themselves and none other. Yep, I did that. The photo must be of the user. Yep, again. There are to be no improper or inflammatory posts. On that, I know I am innocent because I made no posts at all. My crime seems to be that I didn’t post enough. All I did was log in every week or two to read some of the humor and view videos of people doing crazy things, such as jumping off cliffs and bridges or doing amazing stunts on motorcycles. That seemed harmless, but apparently not.
But this is a good thing to happen. My account has been there since approximately 2010 with little activity. Never a joiner, but an observer.
So, losing the account is no loss. Maybe it is a sign of honor to have been kicked off Facebook. Surely, I am now part of an interesting community of those whose nefarious actions caused them to suffer this same pronouncement. Yes, I should carve a notch in my belt to show I am free.
Leaving Facebook is something I should have done years ago. Social media has never been for the user; social media is for social media. In being pushed out of Facebook, one more bit of clutter was removed from my life. All is well.